The parish of Saint Matthew’s is a community of the faithful deeply committed to witnessing to the Gospel of Jesus Christ through liturgical celebration, prayer, love and action so that the lives touched by the parish may take on the person of Jesus Christ.
Serving the towns of Cornish, Hiram, Baldwin, Parsonsfield, Newfield, Limerick, Waterboro, N. Shapleigh, Limington. Hollis, Buxton & Porter.
United through Catholic Teaching and Tradition, we believe in the dignity of the human person, in a commitment to Jesus manifested by love for others, in the unique value of each person, in the call of all to share in the Kingdom of God and in a vision of Faith which shall be rewarded in glory.
We will respond to Christ’s call to love and serve one another by becoming involved in the ministries of the Church, by working for peace and justice for all people, and by reaching out spiritually and materially to those in need. We will recognize that all resources are gifts from God and respond in gratitude through proper stewardship.