On December 8, 2020, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, proclaimed a special Year of Saint Joseph to honor the 150th anniversary of Blessed Pope Pius IX’s declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church. In honor of Saint Joseph, a special vigil lamp will burn before the statue of Saint Joseph in Saint Matthew Church. This vigil lamp was lit on January 6, 2021, the feastday of Saint André Bessette, who had a strong devotion to Saint Joseph and founded Saint Joseph's Oratory in Montreal.
If you wish to have the vigil lamp burn as a sign of devotion to Saint Joseph, for a special intention, in memory of a loved one, or to honor a special occasion in the upcoming year, please contact the Parish Office. An offering of $10 is requested. The vigil lamp intention will be available on a first-come, first-served basis; specific dates will not be scheduled. The vigil lamp will burn for one week, and the intentions will be placed before the statue of Saint Joseph.